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Sniffles & drizzles

Well, I’m officially sick, and the romantic rain ain’t helpin’.

Day 4 & 5:

It turns out that a whole heap of stuff is closed in Paris on a Sunday (and Monday too for that matter), so with a cold taking over my body, we did our best to keep moving, and enjoy what we could a.k.a Café hop.

We took advantage of the moments between showers to make our way around the Tuileries Garden which is adjacent to the Louvre, and enjoyed a spectacular little cafe called Angelina, that makes a Hot Chocolate so intense even I had trouble making my way to the bottom (which is quite a thing to say).

Today we enjoyed Ladurée, one of the oldest cafes in Paris (which opened in 1862) for the best lemon tart I’ve ever experienced, and a perfectly blue painted ceiling.

The current plan is to overload my body with as much medication as it can handle so we can keep on moving through this unbelievable place. So much to do, so little time, but for now, give me pizza, and give me bed.


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